
Acrylic Display Cases For Museums and Galleries

Ever go to a museum and see some interesting artifacts behind a glass display case? Well, feel fooled because that glass the artifact is behind is not glass at all. It’s actually made from acrylic a.k.a. plexiglass. Acrylic technically is not any type of glass even though it has been called acrylic glass or plexiglass. It has many other names such as Acrylite, Lucite, Plexigalss, Optix, Perspex, Oroglas and Altugla. Its super technical name is poly(methyl methacrylate) which is derived from emulsion, solution or bulk polymerization. They are the highly complex processes of synthesizing poly(methyl methacrylate) which include combining at the molecular level, heat, acidic solutions and water.

Acrylic is a shatter resistant and lightweight alternative to using glass in situations. That is why museum display cases are made from it. Museums need to have their priceless artifacts safe from people trying to steal it and the item needs to be preserved as well. Since the “plexiglass” is equally transparent as glass but provides much greater protection it’s the number one choice to make the display cases from.

Many styles of museum display cases can be made from various manufacturers. The most popular cases you will see in museums are:
l  Pedestal Style Base –will elevate the case to usually around 5 feet for better viewing purposes.
l  Clear Acrylic Base – a thicker and sturdier base that is see-through.
l  Colored Acrylic Base – any color is available for a ticker and sturdier base.
l  Wooden Base – can use any type of wood that is sanded, stained and finished.
l  Mirrored – a mirror is inserted at the back wall or base.
l  Illuminated – using any base but with LED lighting with multiple angles.
l  Wall case – a case to hang on the wall that has various bases, lighting and hinges for access.

The thickness of the plexiglass will determine the quality of strength and clarity. The thicker the better and larger cases must be built with thicker walls. Majority of museum cases are custom made so many companies that offer will create it to the necessary specifications.

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